Andra Levite Latvian Paralympic movement
Andra Levite: paralimpiskā kustība ir pelnījusi nonākt sabiedrības redzeslokā
On 26 August, the First Lady Andra Levite visited Elektrum Olympic Centre to see children and youngsters practice parasports and meet with leadership of Latvian Paralympic Committee to discuss future development of national Paralympic movement. Andra Levite has agreed to become a Patroness of Paralympic Movement.

‘I decided to become a Patroness of Paralympic Movement because I believe that it deserves more public attention. No one wants to be left standing in the corner, we all want to be noticed and appreciated, and Paralympians definitely deserve that. Looking at the gleaming faces of children during today’s practice I could see perfectly what they feel. They were happy and bubbling. That is the kind of emotion we all want to see in our children, irrespective of whether they are capable of running themselves or need a wheelchair to do that. In addition, happier and more joyful children not only make life of their parents a lot easier but also benefit themselves in terms of personal development. I hope Latvian Paralympic Committee will have endless energy for many decades to come because such an intense promotion of parasports is very time and energy-consuming. I wish you all the success in reaching the intended goals of this project,’ said Andra Levite.

First lady also reminded: ‘From time to time we all need to stop and take a minute to think about our life. It is carefree because we do our best to make it that way. But it is also a gift that can be taken away from us any second. For example, when you cross a street without looking both ways or dive headfirst into water without testing the depth or slip and fall on ice in winter. Carefree life is a gift that all of us should appreciate and be grateful for.’

Latvian Paralympic Committee is the organisation that promotes the participation of people with disabilities in physical activity and sport in Latvia. It also supports development of Paralympic movement in Latvia. Its tasks include participation of Paralympic athletes in national and international competitions and advocacy of rights of para-athletes at the national and international level. Latvian Paralympic Committee is a member of International Paralympic Committee and European Paralympic Committee.

26.08.2020. Valsts prezidenta dzīvesbiedre Andra Levite kā paralimpiskās kustības patronese apmeklē bērnu un jauniešu parasporta nodarbību, kā arī tiekas ar Latvijas Paralimpiskās komitejas pārstāvjiem, lai pārrunātu paralimpiskās kustības attīstības iesp