Egils Levits
Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita sveiciens skolēniem, studentiem, mācībspēkiem un vecākiem

Dear teachers, pupils, professors, students and parents,

This past academic year is one you will never forget. Not because 2020 is a number easy to remember. But because for the first time in history, Latvian schools and universities had to rapidly and decisively switch to remote learning or modern-day home tuition this year.

Indeed, you needed a lot of energy and plenty of patience to handle this radical change. It was not easy, especially for parents of schoolchildren. But you did it. You made it through. So, thank you for holding on! Unfortunately, this year’s graduates will have to do without a proper graduation party. Still, you all deserve to feel like winners. You are stronger now, much more capable of taking charge of your own life despite the unexpected circumstances.

Time will show what we have gained and lost during this time. However, it is absolutely clear that this new experience you have gained in these last months of this academic year will serve you well in future.

We do not know yet what will happen next academic year. I hope that pupils and teachers, students and their professors will return to schools and universities this autumn, and instead of speaking through computer and TV screens, you will learn together and enjoy each other’s warmth and friendship.

Nevertheless, summer is here! Take a good rest, enjoy our beautiful country, our home Latvia, with all its nature trails and amazing variety of museums. Stay positive and keep exploring the world!