Egils Levits Reģionālās vizītes
Valsts prezidenta kopbilde ir kādu no Daugavpils 12. vidusskolas klasēm

On 5 April, President of Latvia Egils Levits made a regional visit to Daugavpils. During his visit of Daugavpils Secondary School 12, President Levits spoke about the role of Latvian language as the official language in education and integration of pupils into our society. ‘The only official language in Latvia is Latvian. Everyone needs to master  it.  In the next few years, our education system will gradually switch to Latvian as the only language of instruction and that is the best way to integrate every child in our society,’ Egils Levits noted.

President of Latvia, teachers and student council members discussed media literacy and critical thinking classes that are aimed at helping young people understand democratic values and discriminate between fake news, lies and impartial reporting.

Elita Boliņa, Headmaster of Daugavpils Secondary School 12, mentioned that school will have to face new challenges after the merger as it also celebrates its 30th anniversary. President wished teachers lots of energy and mental strength going forward with the next cycle of school’s development and vital mission of being a teacher.


Daugavpils City Council approved the Daugavpils Secondary School 10, Daugavpils Secondary School 12, Daugavpils City Preschool 10 and Daugavpils City Preschool 13 reform plan on 24 February 2022. Plan will have to be implemented by 1 August 2022. According to plan, Daugavpils Secondary School 10 and Daugavpils Secondary School 12 will be merged and Daugavpils Secondary School 10 will gradually switch to education in Latvian only.

05.04.2022. Valsts prezidents Egils Levits apmeklē Daugavpils 12. vidusskolu
Date 4–5 April, 2022
TimeAll day

President of Latvia Egils Levits will be on a regional visit in Daugavpils

On 4-5 April, President of Latvia Egils Levits will be on a regional visit in Daugavpils. He will meet with local government and…