Egils Levits
Valsts prezidents ANO Ilgtspējīgas attīstības mērķu paneļdiskusijā: Latvijā visās nozarēs paredzam izmantot klimata pārmaiņu un aprites ekonomikas piedāvātās iespējas
On 25 September, while attending the UN General Assembly in New York, President of Latvia Egils Levits took part in the United Nations Summit on Sustainable Development Goals: 6th leaders dialogue: The 2020-2030 Vision and presented the progress in adoption of Latvia’s National Development Plan 2027 (NDP 2027).

President Levits talked about the adoption of Latvia’s NDP 2027 in the context of global goals set out in 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (Agenda 2030). Latvia’s NDP 2027 provides for more efficient implementation of climate change policy instruments, targeted education and science policy, as well as reduced risks of social exclusion.

“Objectives of Latvia’s NDP 2027 include harnessing the potential of climate change policies and the circular economy across sectors. This means reducing greenhouse gas emissions, better managing our land resources and incentivizing our companies to make more efficient use of resources,” stressed President Levits.

According to the President, education and science policy must be steered towards the needs of the future economy. “Better education, especially in the STEM areas, improved competencies and workplace-based education, leaving no one behind, is essential to move Latvia’s economy to a knowledge economy. Education and science are also important for reducing income inequality among people and regions,” said President of Latvia.

President Levits also mentioned that “NDP 2027 seeks to improve social inclusion, especially for vulnerable groups – the aged, persons with disabilities and those displaced by technological change of ICT systems”.

“Our next fundamental change is one that I personally think is critical – we aim to achieve a sense of trust in our justice and governance systems. Better media and social network literacy is one important key to strengthening critical thinking, democracy and rule of law,” emphasised President Levits at the conclusion of his speech.

Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita dalība ANO Ilgtspējīgas attīstības sesijā

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Valsts prezidenta Egila Levita uzruna ANO Ilgtspējīgas attīstības mērķu 6. paneļdiskusijā “Redzējums 2020–2030”