Valsts prezidents Egils Levits un SEB pārstāvji

Today, President of Latvia Egils Levits met with Johan Torgby, President and CEO of SEB, Mats Torstendahl, Deputy President and CEO of SEB, and Hans Beyer, SEB Chief Sustainability Officer, in the Riga Castle to discuss sustainability, green and digital transformation projects.

According to President of Latvia, sustainability is one of the key strategic priorities for the future of Latvia. Egils Levits mentioned the strategic long-term vision Sea 2030­, which has been recently approved by the government. It envisages various activities supporting sustainability of the Baltic Sea and the region: ‘We, the government, and you, financial sector companies, have similar vision of green transformation. Climate change is undeniable, and we need to speed up transformation and come up with solutions. This can be achieved through public and private partnership,’ said Egils Levits. He also reaffirmed Latvia’s full support for European Green Deal, which is central to transformation.

Management of the bank presented the SEB group to President Levits and explained how bank plans to support sustainability projects. According to SEB management, more and more investors around the world are looking for opportunities to invest in projects with strong sustainability and business components. 

President of Latvia urged leadership of SEB group to consider the possibility of joining the Three Seas Initiative and support connectivity and other projects.
